Feng Shui in the home is important; the bedroom is considered a vital room in your home to apply Feng Shui rules. The energies in your home play an important part in how they affect your sleeping habits; below are tips on adding Feng Shui to your Bedroom layout.
Feng Shui Bed Placement
In the bedroom, Feng Shui’s bed direction is essential. Feng Shui principles have proven that everything is ultimately energy; it makes sense that your bed’s position is part of bedroom Feng Shui. The bed should be placed relative to the door and allow the sleeper the broadest possible scope of the room. A restricted range of sight within the room can restrict the person’s Chi and their life vision. The larger the space in front of your bed, the more your life expands, breathes, and improves.
Avoid placing your bed in a corner because you or your partner may feel trapped. Both sides of the bed should be easily accessible so that one partner doesn’t have to climb over the other to get out of bed. In that case, the person who is sleeping facing the wall could feel deprived of freedom, restricted or stuck in the relationship. If your bed position doesn’t allow you to see the door and you can’t move the bed, place a sizable mirror that easily allows you to see the door. If you need to angle the mirror to show the door, use a standing mirror angled to the appropriate position.
Visibility of the Bedroom Door for Feng Shui
In Feng Shui principles, having a view of the door from the bed without being too close to it gives a sense of safety, helps with relaxation and promotes sleep. Never place the foot of the bed towards the door; this is known as ‘coffin position’ and puts the bed as the primary focus in the room. If this can’t be avoided use a piece of furniture like a footboard or table to act as a buffer zone. Remember to make sure the buffer doesn’t block the view of the door.
Feng Shui Rules For Better Sleep
The most important rule in Feng Shui for the bedroom is that your bed must have a headboard! A solid wooden headboard is recommended to add grounding and stabilization to your life. Metal headboards are not recommended. Scientific studies have concluded that poor sleep quality can be detrimental to your mental and physical health, including the sex drive. The headboard provides support and offers a balance of yin and yang energies.
Eliminate Mirrors In A Bedroom
According to Feng Shui’s bedroom setup, you should avoid having mirrors in the bedroom. In Feng Shui for love and marriages, mirrors can reflect past energy into space, which can cause restlessness and amplify anxiety. Feng Shui mirror placement indicates that mirrors in the bedroom facing the bed need to be relocated because they reflect the couple in the bed. Some believe that this will cause a failure in the relationship because of the entry of a third party. So it is important to not have a mirror opposite your bed, whether on a dresser or the wall.
Feng Shui Alter Placement
The images and objects that you surround yourself with effect your life more than you could imagine. Alters and statues should never be placed in the bedroom. Do not position your altar to share the same wall as your bedroom, especially the bed. Buddha, Bodhisattva and Heavenly Deities are compassionate. Placing them in the bedroom is inappropriate and disrespectful; we do not want the intimacy between the couples to cause any disrespect to the altar.
Bedroom Ventilation
The bedroom should be well-ventilated, keeping old energy out of the room. Closing your bedroom door, closet and bathroom doors ensures the optimum flow of nourishing and healing energy, improving your health and strengthening relationships.
Bed Size Matters In Feng Shui
The bed plays an integral part in bedroom Feng Shui. The bed size is important; a single mattress is not suggested if you’re actively manifesting a relationship; these are for children and singles. On the other hand, many King size beds arrange so that the box spring is made up of two single beds pushed together. These types of beds can manifest into a symbolic divide in the relationship. Also, sleeping on a King size mattress does not encourage intimacy. Invest in a full-size mattress or a Queen bed to avoid you and your partner feeling like you are miles away from each other. Keep the area under the bed clean and free from storage and clutter; storing items under your bed affects your sleep. Feng Shui tips can only get you so far. When you are sleeping, your Yin is in a passive state; and it’s important to create an environment in Feng Shui that supports your qi and represents you and the feel of your home. It’s essential to live in a space that embraces what you want; if you need assistance, consider booking a Feng Shui Bedroom Consultation.
Feng Shui is commonly used to create Wealth, Prosperity, and attract Abundance by placing particular objects in a specific area within a Home or Business. For example, the Feng Shui Bagua or energy map has an area dedicated to Wealth and Prosperity in the Southeast section. Purple or Red elements in a home can also attract Wealth, as can certain plants (the Feng Shui Money Plant is a popular choice). Depending on the location of your front door, even its colour can help attract Wealth.
In this blog, we’ll look in particular at the Feng Shui Wealth Vase and its role in manifesting wealth and prosperity, as well as how you can make one for your home or business. If you need guidance and more information on creating and placing your vase for your Home, Business, and Real Estate based on your Personalized Direction, we invite you to book your 20-minute Discovery Call with Meena HERE.
What is a Feng Shui Wealth Vase?
An ancient Feng Shui secret used by Chinese royals and the wealthy, a Feng Shui Wealth Vase attracts Wealth, energy, Prosperity, and Abundance to one’s life, Business, and family. The vase contains tremendous Chi energy infused through various added ingredients and symbols. These symbols may include traditional representations of Wealth (money), stamps of Wealth and ease (clear round crystal balls), and items that represent Wealth (seeds that symbolize the prosperity of having plenty to eat). The “ping” sound that the vase makes means “Peace,” reflecting the Feng Shui belief that vases capture and store Auspicious and Beneficial energy.
Wealth vases are often given as gifts to temples and handed down from generation to generation. The vase can be found in the footprints of Buddha, making them a highly revered Feng Shui object.
Wealth Vase Rules
There are specific rules regarding the use of Wealth Vases:
Rule #1: Vases should be stored with respect in the Southeast section of the Home, Office, or Living room.
Rule #2: Choose wide vases at the bottom and narrow at the top. A classic ginger jar is often the preferred choice.
Rule #3: Select a vase that looks beautiful to you.
Rule #4: Vases should be porcelain, crystal, or earthenware.
Rule #5: Vases should only be filled 3/4 full (keeping room for Abundance to grow) and sealed with a fitted top.
Preparing Your Feng Shui Wealth Vase
Before placing anything in your vase, you want to clean it. Here’s how to do this:
Set the incense holder on a table.
Light a sandalwood incense cone or stick and place it in the holder.
Turn the vase upside down and hold the opening over the incense.
Fill the vase with smoke from the incense to clear out any stagnant chi energy.
Once you feel the energy has been cleared, turn the vase upright and set it on the table. You can either let the incense continue to burn or snuff it out.
Ingredients to Place In Your Vase
When filling your vase, the following ingredients are suggested:
Semi-precious or precious stones
Three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon signifying Wealth magnified ten times
A small laughing Buddha or Tibetan God of Wealth
Small round crystal balls signify a smooth life and lack of obstacles
Five kinds of seeds or grains in plastic bags
Pictures of wealthy people whom you admire (magazine photos are OK)
Gold ingots or bars. Faux gold objects are fine, but real gold is incredibly beneficial.
A tiny globe representing money coming from all over the world is placed in the envelope with the money from different countries.
Your wish. What is your desire? A yacht? A lucrative career? Include a picture of your heart’s dearest wish.
Assembling Your Feng Shui Wealth Vase
When adding the ingredients to your vase, you should do so with deliberate intent and respect for each item.
Start by holding the vase’s neck between your hands, focusing your energy on the inside of the vase.
Next, meditate on your intentions for creating your vase and imagine filling the vase with your desires, hopes, wishes, plans, and goals.
You can begin filling it once you feel you’ve added your energy to the vase.
Sealing Your Feng Shui Wealth Vase
Once you have filled your vase, cover it with colourful cloth representing the five elements in colour. Finally, tie the fabric around the top of your vase to seal it shut.
Each year, on the anniversary of creating your vase, you can add one or two pieces of gold, coins, and paper money to symbolize adding to your Wealth. Be sure to replace the cloth, retie the ribbon, and set the vase back in its place of storage or display.
For guidance and more information on creating and placing your vase for your Home, Business, and Real Estate based on your Personalized Direction, book your 20-minute Discovery Call with Meena HERE.
The kitchen is one of the central areas of your home. It’s a place you and your family will spend a lot of time. You’ll cook and eat meals together here, and you’ll gather with friends and share stories and memories. This keyspace in your home interacts with fire energy, suppressing negative Chi and retaining positive energy in the kitchen. Here’s how to use Feng Shui to bring wealth and abundance for the kitchen to achieve good effects.
How to Organize Your Kitchen
You don’t have to be a Feng Shui specialist to know that the kitchen is considered the heart of the home. In Feng Shui, though, this room is significant. We all spend a lot of time in our kitchens, so the energy in this space is continuously flowing. With that in mind, it’s crucial that we keep this space clean, refreshed and organized. A chaotic, messy kitchen creates a cluttered, disordered life. Keep your kitchen organized, clean, light, airy and full of free-flowing energy for a better life!
Kitchen Feng Shui Colours and Decoration
It may not seem important to decorate your kitchen since it’s a more functional room in your home, but there are some things to consider.
Firstly, avoid using the colour red when decorating your kitchen because the fire element already dominates the room. Adding red to this will throw it entirely out of balance.
I also recommend placing Feng Shui kitchen mirrors or some other reflective surface behind the stove to reflect the burners. Burners are associated with wealth and abundance, so by reflecting on them, you’re increasing the visible number of burners in the room, therefore increasing wealth. The reflection also helps you visualize the space behind you while cooking, putting you in the command position in the room.
Be mindful of the Feng Shui water element in your kitchen, too. Water dampens fire energy, so avoid having too much blue in your kitchen decor.
Feng Shui Tips for Stove
The stove represents Feng Shui symbol of wealth and prosperity. We recommend using all the burners instead of only the same one or two you prefer to use. Using them on rotation signifies making the most of the potential wealth available to you. By only using one or two burners, you’re limiting your potential.
It goes without saying that you should keep the stove clean, which allows the Chi in the cooked food to remain energized. A dirty stove depletes energy and therefore, drains finances.
Healthy Meal Preparation
One of the prime uses of the Kitchen is for meal preparation, which is a source of prosperity and health in Feng Shui. Did you know your emotions penetrate the food while you’re cooking? This is why you should prepare your meals with love, transferring healthy eating between you and your family.
Make sure you keep your food pantry organized and decluttered. If you have expired food items in the pantry or fridge, make sure you throw them out. Any almost empty jars and packets should be disposed of too, as this represents lack.
Be sure to remove all the garbage daily and keep your garbage can out of sight under the sink to avoid money loss. Food is meant to invigorate you, but it can impact your health and relationships when you see food scraps and remains in the garbage.
Kitchen Utensils and Gadgets
A fundamental rule of Feng Shui in the kitchen is to keep your knives stored out of sight. Knives, unsurprisingly, have piercing energy and can cut through good Chi, so it’s essential to keep them tucked away in drawers.
Don’t leave empty pans on stovetops or countertops. This signifies emptiness and a lack of Feng Shui abundance. Remove chipped dishes or broken items as crockery symbolizes wealth and cracked plates represent failure.
Best Kitchen Lighting
As with any other area of the house, a well-lit kitchen is important in Feng Shui. Having good Feng Shui lighting while you’re in the kitchen and using the space helps draw good Chi.
Feng Shui Kitchen Plants
Plants in the kitchen and flowers are important to attract wood Chi energy. You can also include herbs and fruits to enhance your kitchen’s energy.
By displaying nine oranges in a bowl on the center island not only signifies health, citrus is also known to remove bad luck.Of course, many of these things you can do and achieve by yourself.
For a complete and personalized assessment of your kitchen, I recommend a consultation. If you’d like me to share how you can increase Feng Shui in your kitchen to improve wealth and abundance, do get in touch,
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art of placement dating back over 5,000 years. It’s a philosophy that uses the accuracy of a Feng Shui compass, a luopan, along with spatial design, to assist individuals in finding balance in their lives by harmonizing their living environment with nature.
February is traditionally associated with love and romance. Optimizing your bedroom Feng Shui is very important for ensuring the longevity of your romantic relationship but also to ensure that your partner feels valued, especially if they’re moving their belongings into your home. If you’re moving into your romantic partner’s space, discuss which of these key Classical Feng Shui principles you can start incorporating into the bedroom. Or if you’re moving into a home that’s brand new for both of you, you’ll both have the chance to make sure you’re equally represented in the bedroom.
Many Classical Feng Shui tips can help your romantic relationship get off to a strong and stable start or strengthen existing relationships. Learn how to strengthen the connection of love between you and your spouse or partner.
Make Space in Your Bedroom for Your Partner
For proper bedroom Feng Shui and energy balance in the bedroom, it’s important that both romantic partners feel equally represented in the bedroom.
For those people welcoming romantic partners into their homes by inviting them to move in, some changes may be necessary to ensure both partners feel that the energy in the space serves them equally. If you’re joining your life with someone and they are moving into your previously occupied space, there are some important bedroom Feng Shui remedies you’ll need to consider before they move in.
Remove all objects including photos and mementos that represent old or failed relationships. It’s tempting to keep these objects because of nostalgia or because of the romantic feelings they incite. However, these objects must be removed because these physical reminders represent old relationships hanging around, which can burden your new relationship with negative energy.
Eliminate anything old to help welcome the new relationship. For example, ensure you have new bedsheets to sleep on as old energy can linger in the bed.
Replace single pieces of furniture with pairs. It’s essential to have pairs of items to combat subconscious thoughts that reinforce the idea of a single person inhabiting the bedroom. By doing this, you’ll also remove negative energy from the room. For example:
If you have a single nightstand, replace it with a pair of matching nightstands. If you choose to place a lamp on each of the nightstands, ensure that the two lamps are equal in height.
If you have a single chair or a single-person closet, they all subconsciously indicate that this bedroom is a space meant for one person only. Have two matching chairs and make room in the closet for both of you.
Stay away from artwork that portrays single objects only. For example, a picture that shows only one flower, one bird, or just one person in the piece of art. Again, this signifies that the bedroom is meant for only one person.
For couples moving into a new home together, it’s a great opportunity to furnish and decorate your bedroom so that both of you feel equally represented. You and your partner should have an equal share of the space so that your energies feel harmonious in the bedroom.
Create Balanced Love Energy Using Your Decor
When decorating your bedroom, Classical Feng Shui suggests that it’s important to balance the energy in a room through your decor, especially when you’re designing your bedroom for love. For example, if the decor in your bedroom is excessively flowery and delicate, it will create more yin energy. On the other hand, if the decor is very dark and masculine, it will give off more yang energy.
Balancing the yin and yang energies is very important to ensure that you and your spouse feel comfortable and at home when in the bedroom.
Set a Romantic Mood with Lighting in Your Bedroom
Setting up the lights and atmosphere in your bedroom according to Classical Feng Shui principles can greatly impact your and your partner’s feelings about romance and love. Lighting is one of the most powerful manifestations of energy so be mindful of what the lighting levels are in the bedroom.
To purify the energy in the bedroom, welcome in natural light each day by opening up your blinds and curtains.
The lighting in the bedroom must be balanced. Try having a dimmer to keep the light levels balanced. Aim to have the light not too bright and not too dim. The lighting should be soft.
Toxin-free candles are recommended as the best option for bedroom lighting when you want to create a romantic ambiance.
You can set the right mood in the bedroom by lighting scented candles and draping sheer fabrics or lace over lamps. Don’t forget to play romantic music to further enhance the mood!
Bedroom lighting can often be overlooked when thinking about love and romance. Choosing Feng Shui appropriate lighting can greatly enhance the mood but also ensure the right energy is welcomed into the bedroom.
Keep Work and Electronics Out of the Bedroom
To enhance romance and love in your bedroom, Classical Feng Shui recommends that certain items be kept out of the bedroom so that the focus remains solely on building a strong relationship with your partner.
Any electronic equipment should be placed in the office or other areas of the home. This includes cell phones, tablets, laptops, and any other electronic gadgets.
Remove the TV in the bedroom since it’s not conducive to romance. A TV in the bedroom can affect your ability to build a strong bond with your partner.
Purge the room of all work-related materials that distract you. The bedroom is for enhancing love relationships (not working!) so don’t mix work and play.
Place exercise equipment outside of the bedroom. Exercise equipment in the bedroom can imply that your relationship is exhausting. On top of that, the effort you put in when exercising can be transposed onto your love life. Ideally, you don’t want your relationship to feel like a sustained effort.
In addition to being a distraction when you’re connecting with your partner in the bedroom, electronic devices also emit electromagnetic frequencies which can have an impact on the energy in your bedroom. That’s why you must keep electronic devices out of your bedroom as much as possible. The bedroom should be reserved as a place for love and romance or as a place for rest and rejuvenation, not work.
Choose Photos and Artwork that Strengthen Your Romance
Because the bedroom is a very personal space for many people, you may be inclined to include some favourite photos and artwork in your bedroom. However, if you want to Feng Shui your bedroom for love and romance, it’s important to ensure that what you’re displaying in the bedroom is positively affecting the energy in the bedroom.
Place family and children’s photos in the family room or living room where they belong. Don’t display them in the bedroom because family photos give off yang energy that can be overpowering and cause restless sleep. Images and objects surrounding them can greatly affect your life.
Check the statues and art in your bedroom. Remove paintings, sculptures, and photos that represent negative situations, loneliness, sadness, war, and fights. This type of art can bring negative energy and create a tense atmosphere in your love life when, ideally, the bedroom should be peaceful.
Consider adding artwork featuring a pair of love birds or peony flowers as these represent love.
Add a statue or picture of Ganesh outside the bedroom door to remove any obstacles in partnership and romance.
Place a statue of Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Love and Compassion, directly outside of the bedroom.
Place happy photos of you and your partner on the dresser.
When it comes to bedroom Feng Shui, oftentimes there is a lot of focus on the positioning of the furniture but it’s important to remember that your photos and artwork can also greatly affect the energy levels in your bedroom, especially if you want more love and romance between yourself and your spouse or partner.
Use Rose Quartz Crystals for Manifesting Love
Crystals, especially rose quartz, are thought to reflect and enhance energy. Because rose quartz is widely known as the “love stone”, it’s frequently incorporated as a love remedy for bedroom Feng Shui. Having rose quartz in your bedroom can help speed up the process for those seeking true love. These crystals can aid in mending broken relationships and jazz up existing romances. Rose quartz crystals are also known to help someone remain calm under pressure and during confrontations.
Rose quartz crystals come in many different formats and sizes. You can purchase chunks of rose quartz, polished rose quartz hearts, and rose quartz lamps to place in your bedroom. For couples, it’s important to have a PAIR of rose quartz crystals, roughly the same size, to promote the feeling of equality between the two partners.
The Power of Classical Feng Shui for Love
Bedroom Feng Shui for love is about balancing the energies of the two people in the relationship while creating an environment that fosters love and harmony. Follow these simple Classical Feng Shui methods to activate your relationship area for love and marriage. Have some fun decorating your bedroom together and creating the environment you want! Use these Feng Shui remedies to enhance the quality of your relationship or establish a solid relationship. If you have questions or want to continue to bring love and romance into your bedroom, contact me for a free 20 min discovery call.
A vision board is a powerful tool that can be used to help you manifest your dreams and goals. Also called a “dream board”, Feng Shui vision boards are filled with images and words that describe your aspirations and the goals you’d like to achieve in the near future.
Feng Shui Vision boards help transform wishful thinking and dreams into reality by offering people a tangible way to visualize their dreams and goals. Because it’s a physical representation of your desires that you can look at and touch every day, you’re more likely to manifest those dreams into reality. Scientific studies even back this up!
By focusing on different areas of your life and connecting them with the areas that influence them, you can manifest and create intentions in a powerful way. Of course, regular vision boards help do this to some effect. But, if you incorporate the Feng Shui guidelines into your vision board, you establish a flow and concrete theme to organize all the goals and dreams that you want to manifest.
Essentially, a Feng Shui Vision Board is an upleveled version of a traditional vision board. On a regular vision board, you’d likely cut and paste different pictures that depict your future desires and place them haphazardly on the board. But with a Feng Shui Vision Board, you’d place these pictures in specific quadrants and most importantly, with intention.
So why harness the power of Classical Feng Shui to help manifest your dreams? Because Classical Feng Shui is about energy and connection. By drawing on the guiding principle of Classical Feng Shui, which says that we are all connected to the world and things around us, we’re able to draw on the surrounding energy to our advantage. For example, to help us manifest our dreams and desires.
The Feng Shui Compass, Bagua, and Your Vision Board
In Classical Feng Shui, the areas of your home are defined with the use of a compass (also known as a luopan). The Feng Shui compass, also known as a Chinese magnetic compass, is an important tool in Classical Feng Shui because it helps analyze the energy flow of a particular area. It can determine the direction your home faces, down to the exact degree. This allows you to know where the different categories in your home are located. Areas that define love and relationships, abundance, and career are all located using the luopan compass.
By determining the direction of your home, I’m able to overlay the Bagua, which is a special Classical Feng Shui map, on a floor plan of your living space. The Bagua is a map that allows Classical Feng Shui Masters like myself to analyze the energy of a given space. This allows me to find out which area of your home correlates to different sectors of your life.
There are 8 areas of the Bagua and each coincides with a compass direction. For example, the southeast represents wealth, prosperity, and abundance, while the northeast represents knowledge, wisdom, and meditation.
To use the power of Classical Feng Shui on your vision board, you’d segment off the corresponding section on your vision board and designate each of these 8 areas as an area of focus. You’d then place your goals and dreams into the corresponding area. For goals related to your prosperity, such as high returns on your investments, you’d place it in the southeast quadrant. By defining your goals in each area, you’re creating a stronger connection with the world around you. This way, you’ll have a greater chance of achieving your goal!
Place Yourself in the Centre of the Vision Board
Once each area of your Feng Shui Vision Board is complete, use the central space to put a picture of yourself or something of significance to you. This helps to ground your goals and intentions and allows you to focus on achieving them.
Other Important Tips When Creating Your Vision Board
Creating your Classical Feng Shui Vision Board is a creative process so it can take whatever form feels right to you. You can cut out pictures from magazines, print them off from the internet, or even create a digital Feng Shui Vision Board!
How you put it together is not as important as the goals and intentions that you set. Try to be specific about what you want to achieve. You can focus on just a few areas of your life or have something for each area. But letting the universe know what you want and hope to achieve should be very clear.
When Should I Make a Vision Board?
Many people feel compelled to create a vision board at the beginning of the calendar year but in reality, you can create a Feng Shui Vision Board at any time. Whether you’re creating a vision board at the beginning of the year or even in the middle of the year, you can use the energy of the moon to help release old energy and manifest new dreams and desires.
Regardless of the time of year, you can use the different phases of the moon to help you manifest your dreams on your vision board. In Feng Shui, the New Moon phase represents new beginnings so it’s the perfect time to start the process of manifesting your goals and desires on your vision board.
Compared to the New Moon phase, the Full Moon phase is all about releasing what is no longer serving you, especially energy. The Full Moon phase is also a great time to burn your old vision board so that you can release old energy and intentions, which pave the way for you to manifest.
There is no wrong or right time…make the most of the moon energy that resonates with you.
Join My Feng Shui Vision Board Online Course
If you’ve never created a Feng Shui Vision Board before or you’d like a refresher, check out my Feng Shui Vision Board Online Course. In this course, I personally guide you through the key steps to creating your vision board using Classical Feng Shui principles. I’ll help you correctly set your intentions. You’ll learn to focus on what you’d like to attract in your life, what changes you need to make, and how your next year will look.
This is what you can expect in the Feng Shui Vision Board online course:
Meditation to ground ourselves
Intention setting
Goal and dream placement according to the Bagua Feng Shui direction
How to harness the power of moon energy
How to use Feng Shui crystals to energize your vision board and much more
Feng Shui can remove Negative Energies, as well as help you attain better health & happiness. I’m here to help you create a balanced, beautiful & harmonious space with the guidance of Classical Feng Shui principles. Learn more about my offer to you and book a introductory meeting with me. Let’s see how we can invite Feng Shui energy into your life
It was an awesome experience with Meena in the master… More class of Feng Shui Vision Course.Meena explained in very well planned structure in this course,how to create a Vison Board.I admired her Love,Passion ,and Knowledge about Feng Shui.
Thank you Meena for sharing your knowledge,wisdom and teaching how to setting the intentions ,manifesting, visualizing and giving the dreams a reality.
I had an amazing experience with Ms Meena!
Her insightful… More guidance inspired me to create a vision board, which has become a powerful tool in shaping my goals and aspirations. Her deep knowledge of Feng Shui and ability to personalize advice made me feel motivated and aligned with my true intentions. The virtual session not only provided clarity but also empowered me to take actionable steps toward manifesting my dreams.
I highly recommend Ms Meena to anyone looking for practical and uplifting support in creating a balanced and purpose-driven life!
We had Meena from Momentum Feng Shui come into our… More home for a consultation and a Energy Clearing ritual.
During the consultation Meena was very knowledgeable in explaining everything to myself and my family. She comes with a precise report of our home which provides us with 9 areas Feng Shui floor plan grid.
Energy Clearing was done all around the house, no room was missed.
During the Energy Clearing our home felt so calm, free and airy. Shortly after we felt a big shift in energy as we didn't feel blocked or heavy anymore.
Simple tips and remedies for around the home were suggested to make positive changes in our lives which have been great.
Meena is genuinely helpful and always answers our questions even when our session is over. She is truly dedicated and passionate in what she's does and practices. We were all given a personal triagram which gave us information on our personal command position and our personal empowering colors.
Having Meena in our home we felt comfortable, she is kind-hearted and calm, it was a pleasure having her. I would recommend Meena and Momentum Feng Shui to my family and friends.