Book A 20-min Complimentary Introductory Meeting


I’m here to help you create a balanced and harmonious space to attain better Health, Love, and Happiness with the guidance of Classical Feng Shui principles. Are you ready to transform your space to invite the flow of Positive Vibes, Harmony, and Prosperity? Please select the date and time that works for you and I look forward to connecting with you.

I look forward to our time together. During the call, we will discuss:

  • Your awareness of Classical Feng Shui
  • Your scenario (ie: Health, Relationship, Career, Wealth etc.)
  • Your living arrangement (how long you’ve been living there, previous occupants’ history and anything else you’d like to share)
  • My practice and services

This is a complementary 20-minute introductory meeting. I will be calling you on the phone number you’ve provided.