Have you ever thought about just how much time you spend at work? It’s at least one-third of your day! So, it’s important that your office is filled with good vibes and positive energy to support a successful day in the business. Today, I am sharing tips to bring positive energy to the workplace, including energy-clearing practices, decor choices, and my personal end-of-day routine.
1. Encourage Smooth Communication
Smooth communication is essential to encouraging positivity at work. From employees and coworkers to vendors and networking groups, you want to ensure your speech empowers the person you’re speaking with. You can find tips for an office layout that encourages good business communication and collaboration in this blog.
2. Do a Smoke Clearing Practice
Smoke clearing is the first thing many people think of when it comes to releasing stale or negative energies. It makes space for more positivity in the workplace. While burning sage, or smudging, is the most common herb used, you can use several other herbs and tools depending on your needs. Burning palo santo can invite prosperity. Clearing the space with a myrrh incense can help restore alignment within your space and your own mind.
How to do it:
Burn your herb or incense of choice until smoke appears. Then, walk around your space, waving your herb in an upward motion while envisioning your intention. Command the stale or negative energy to release through open windows in the office. Do not send smoke into hallways, corridors, or the main door.
3. Avoid Sharp Objects
Keep your desk and the space behind you free of sharp objects. This includes items like scissors—place them in a drawer instead. Similarly, avoid placing sharp furniture or decor between your door and your desk. Sharp objects are thought to pierce or puncture the positive chi. This type of furniture can also create blocks or cause negative energy, making you feel anxious or uncomfortable at work.
4. Ground Yourself Every Morning
Set an intention for the day as soon as you get to your office building each morning. It could be for boosted productivity, prosperity, or just a calm environment that day. Take time to think about that intention and how it will play out in your day. This practice can be as short as 30 seconds or five minutes.
5. Ground Your Space Through Decor
There are several ways you can keep the energy grounded within your office. Simple practices like envisioning a white light filling the office or repeating mantras are great. Or you can use objects like mats and other elements to enhance the energy.
Add a carpet under your desk
Place a carpet under your desk to stay grounded while sitting and working. It can even be as simple as a small mat. Earthing mats are becoming more popular to feel the same exchange of electrons you’d get in an outdoor setting.
Keep both feet planted firmly on the carpet or mat to reap the benefits of this decor piece.
Opt for wooden furniture
The earth element is naturally associated with grounding energy. To encourage serene, grounding energy, choose a wooden desk, wooden filing cabinets, and other wood furniture.
Although beautiful, glass is associated with nervous and cutting energy, so try to avoid it if you can.
6. Create A Crystal Grid
Here are some beneficial crystals you can charge and use to bring positive energy into the workplace:
Clear quartz: This crystal has grounding energy that can benefit an office space. It is also considered an all-purpose crystal because it can amplify the energy of other crystals around it. You can use it to enhance your manifestations for the day.
Citrine: Considered a career crystal, citrine keeps your energy focused on career opportunities and can attract success, prosperity, and abundance to your business.
Black Tourmaline with Mica: This empowering protection crystal keeps out negative vibes.
Recently, I worked with a business client who had an office space across from a casino. Because casinos are associated with a lot of noise, movement, and grief (from losing or gambling addiction), I knew it was important to protect the office from absorbing that energy. To remedy this energy, I created a grid of Black Tourmaline with Mica across the windowsill to keep the heavy energy from coming in and to protect the positive energy I was creating for my client within the office.
7. Keep healthy, living plants around the office
Plants provide positive energy to any space, but especially to offices. Their leaves multiply when they’re healthy and represent the same abundant energy you want to have for your business. Depending on the type of plant, it can even keep the air clean and filled with oxygen. While fake plants are easier to care for, the benefits from real plants are worth the extra work!
8. Put Your Office to Sleep
Finally, I personally put my office to sleep at the end of the day. This process involves putting away pending files, ensuring that only current files are out. I clear my desk. Right before it’s time to leave, give gratitude for the day and close the door. This allows your space to rest, reset, and recharge so that it is ready for the next day.
It can feel difficult to update your office on your own. I would love to guide you and discuss how I can help make the process easier and bring positivity to your workplace. Schedule your FREE 20-minute discovery call to see if your business (or home office!) can benefit from the power of Feng Shui.
February is the month of love, and I’m taking the time also to highlight a different kind of relationship: business relationships. While Feng Shui is commonly used to enhance the energy within our homes, this ancient practice can also have powerful effects on your business, including the interactions and relationships within your office. Whether you want to know how to attract more customers, boost employee communication, or find your dream business partner, the following Classical Feng Shui business can support a positive energy flow.
1. Make Sure You Are Aligned with Yourself and Your Business
Any successful business outcome begins from the inside out. It is essential that you love and are passionate about what you do so that your business continues filling your cup even on the hard days.
When you are satisfied with your business venture, you can show up with a positive mindset and renewed vigor day after day. This abundant Classical Feng Shui energy will not only help attract ideal clients but can also strengthen relationships with your coworkers or employees. Grounding exercises, meditation, and other journaling practices can help you stay aligned.
You are sure to find many decor tips, which are undoubtedly important. However, the most important thing is ensuring you feel supported by the space. Find a way to marry the Feng Shui business best practices with your personal style for maximum energetic benefits.
2. Set Intentions and Regularly Affirm Them
If you want to attract customers or create better business relationships, manifest them! Set an intention for harmony, success, and strong networks within your space. Write down your intentions, create positive affirmations regarding them, and infuse your office with them.
For example, here are a few positive affirmations you can use to enhance your business relationships:
I attract kind, generous clients who know what they want.
I provide positive value to the lives of my customers.
My business is a place that people want to visit.
I have the capacity to service X amount of clients each day.
3. Create a Feng Shui Vision Board
A Classical Feng Shui vision board is a powerful tool for manifesting your desires for your business. You can place images of the kinds of clients you want to attract and/or symbols of people or other businesses that would be most helpful. Place them in the northwest region of your vision board, as this area represents “helpful people.” You can also work in the southwest sector, which affects love & relationships, including those relating to partnerships, colleagues, and more.
Place your Feng Shui vision board where you’ll see it regularly while still keeping it protected.
It’s important to remember that there are major differences between a typical vision board and a Feng Shui vision board. My virtual vision board course will take you through the steps of creating a supercharged vision board based on the practices of Classical Feng Shui. Get access to the course here.
4. Declutter Your Office
We are energetic beings. You must ensure the pathway is clear to attract more customers or clients with like-minded energies. Get rid of stagnant energy throughout the office by removing broken equipment, filing away completed files immediately, and even closing out some of those opened tabs on your computer screen. After all, digital clutter on your phone or laptop can be just as disruptive and take up just as much mental space as physical clutter. This physical and energetic action makes space for new people and opportunities to show up.
5. Update Your Office Layout
People want to go places that feel comfortable and inviting. There are many ways to create a pleasant space that enhances employee communications and attracts new networking connections.
People who work together should face each other or toward a central space, even if there are dividers between them. This layout supports open communication and collaboration. Adding communal areas with comfortable seating can further strengthen this connection.
A brightly lit south area can increase yang energy, which invites new people and social circles. While natural light is best, warm bulbs can also work in your favour.
6. Focus on Important Classical Feng Shui Sectors
As mentioned, the northwest area of your office represents helpful people. Therefore, I highly recommend enhancing this area. You can include objects honoring important mentors who would most help your business. By focusing on this area, you can attract mutually beneficial business relationships. It can support your ability to both give and receive help.
While the southwest sector is most associated with romantic love, it can also influence other relationships, including between colleagues, within your professional network, and more. In this area of your office, you can place files that contain information regarding successful partnerships, photos that show strong business relationships, and similar representation.
If you want to maximize your company’s business potential through the power of Classical Feng Shui, trust a professional! I provide virtual business consultations using the Feng Shui compass to identify energy blockages and suggest remedies to set your business up for success. Book a free 20-minute discovery call to discuss your business goals and how I can maximize its potential.
Mindful Office Feng Shui can be a powerful tool for boosting, growing or invigorating your Career or Business. Whether you are considering Feng Shui for the Office at Home or you want to incorporate Feng Shui in your Business, there are simple Feng Shui practices that can help you reach new levels of wealth, growth, and success. You can easily apply many of these Office Feng Shui tips in your own space while also encouraging your employees to do the same. I encourage you to follow these tips to allow Chi to flow freely and attract new opportunities in your work.
Command Position
The command position is an important principle of Feng Shui. In my work, I often talk to my clients about the command position as it can be applied in any space of your Home or Office. We may talk about the command position of furniture in your bedroom or living room and in your Office, the command position relates to the position of your desk.
When positioning your desk, you want your back to a wall to provide support and you do not want to face a wall. Think of the common expressions “I’ve got your back” or “you’re hitting your head against a wall.” You should be able to see the door without being direct across from it. If you have a window, it should ideally be to your left or right. This command position in Office Feng Shui puts you in a position of control where you can see what is coming and allows energy to flow freely.
Feng Shui Office Desk
In my consultations about Feng Shui in the Office, I encourage my clients to think about the type of desk they use and how their desk is organized. You should choose a solid desk that is made from wood to create stability in your work and career. Avoid glass desks as glass represents fragile, broken energy.
You should keep your desk free of clutter – I recommend organizing and clearing drawers at least every few months. Only keep active files on your desk so that the energy is current and moving in the right direction. A well-organized desk with minimal clutter creates space for opportunities and promotes growth and prosperity.
Feng Shui Devices
Sometimes my clients are surprised that Feng Shui principles apply to your computer or device as well. As you want to remove clutter from your desk, you also want to remove clutter from your devices. Delete any files or phone numbers that you no longer need. Maintain your email inbox and files so they are current and useful. Ample free space on your computer and devices is important to allow the universe to deliver new opportunities and for Chi to flow freely. I always start my devices at least daily for a few minutes to invite fresh Chi – just as you would open your windows to allow stale Chi to escape, starting your devices prevents Chi from being trapped.
Your device or desktop screens are a great place to use affirmations to remind you of your current intentions and to inspire growth and prosperity. I love to turn on my computer to see beautiful affirmations, but it’s also important to keep them current. You can even use affirmations as your passwords for inspiration and to welcome clear, positive energies. Affirmations in your passwords and home screens are an easy and effective method to remind your higher self of your true intentions.
Other Office Feng Shui Tips
There are many other ways you can apply Feng Shui principles in your Office or the Home Office.
Place a Crystal at or close to your desk. Citrine is a very powerful Crystal to enhance Career properties while Clear Quartz aids in Manifesting your desires.
Like you would regularly clean your windows, and keep your device screens clean to invite prosperity and prospective opportunities into your career.
Avoid office clutter by removing old equipment and furniture (desks, scanners, printers) that are not serving you to allow free-flowing Chi.
Take a minimalist approach in your Office and allow the Universe to present you with new ideas, opportunities, and paths to success.
If you want to learn more about Office Feng Shui, I am a Certified Classical Feng Shui Master with the skills and experience to help you evaluate your unique Office space and make specific recommendations that allow you to apply Feng Shui principles to boost your career and Business. Click here to book your free Discovery Call.
Every business wants success, and there are plenty of ways that can be achieved. But have you thought about how Feng Shui can help? Simply put, when using Feng Shui practices in your business, you’re allowing the good Chi to flow, increasing productivity. Every successful business can enjoy an efficient, harmonious and well-organized space. So, here’s how to use Feng Shui to help your business be more successful.
How does Feng Shui work to help your business?
Do you often find yourself searching for a particular file or paper on your cluttered, crowded desk? Do you find the chaos of your office makes you feel disorganized as a result? Well, Feng Shui uses principles which help to declutter, organize and create a better flow of the energy, or Chi, around your workspace. Whether that’s at your office or if you’re working from home.
By applying Feng Shui to your business, it’ll help to both increase its strength and inspire your team. It’ll take that present energy and guide it so that it supports the continued success of your business, helping it to grow.
Does it work?
Using Feng Shui in business is a practice that has gone on for many years now. Lots of businesses use the ideas of Feng Shui in their surroundings, large corporations as well as small businesses. Even some Fortune 500 companies use the principles of Feng Shui. Companies like British Airways, Coca-Cola, Ford, the Hilton, McDonald’s and others are all notable users of Feng Shui in their offices. And you know how successful each of those businesses are! It shows that Feng Shui, which uses practices and principles that date back thousands of years, still has an impact on forward-thinking companies, even today.
Applying Feng Shui Techniques to Your Business
Declutter and Organize
Decluttering is a Feng Shui basic. It allows the flow of productive Chi to move through your space, where it was previously blocked by all the unnecessary items on your desk. Having a desk piled high with papers acts like a wall in your mind and leaves you feeling stuck. And if you’re feeling like that, it’s no wonder the success of your business seems out of reach.
So, spend some time going through everything on your desk and putting away anything you don’t need right now. Only keep out current files and items you need to use every day.
So, spend some time going through everything on your desk and putting away anything you don’t need right now. Only keep out current files and items you need to use every day.
Your Desk
Did you know the position of your desk can influence the very happiness, success and prosperity of your business? To encourage success, the best place for your desk is the command position. This is where you can see as much of the room as possible, facing the door with the wall behind you. Think about it. How many offices have you been into where the boss had his back to you as you came in?
What your desk is made from is also important. The best choice in Feng Shui is a wooden desk, which allows the natural energy to come into your workspace.
Think About Lighting
In Feng Shui, the use of bright lights in entrances or on signs will attract prosperous Chi to your business. The use of metallic colours, like gold or silver, also encourages good fortune. And if any lights stop working, do try to replace them as soon as possible.
Plants and Flowers
Plants and fresh flowers in your workspace, like a wooden desk, allows natural and vibrant Chi to flow. They also improve the air quality of your space, as well as bringing in a little nature from outside.
Of course, you should make sure you keep your plants watered and healthy. Spend some time removing dead leaves and put them in areas where they’ll get natural sunlight.
Some of the best plants that aid with your business success, according to the principles of Feng Shui, are the Peace Lily, a Lucky Bamboo plant, a Moth Orchid or a Jade plant. Do avoid cacti or any plants with sharp leaves, as these can attract negative energy. Cacti are considered a symbol of survival rather than prosperity, which I’m sure doesn’t align with how you want to run your business!
Vibrant Artwork
A piece of art that’s bright, vibrant and visually appealing can enhance your career when chosen well. This can include all kinds of art – wall art, positive quotes and affirmations and photographs of natural scenes, for example. Some large photos around your office space will encourage inspiration and renewed energy, even when you don’t have any windows.
If you work from home or use your smartphone or computer in your business, they may help or hinder your efforts to be more efficient and effective. Most of us use these devices in our everyday life and jobs. Each moment spent on the device can bring about bad Chi and negative energy into our environment.
No one wants to wake up and dread the work day ahead of them so using classical Feng Shui principles to help de-clutter and de-stress our devices can be an amazing way to encourage those positive emotions in our daily routine.
By simply applying the following tips, it can help you and your subconscious mind attract new possibilities and opportunities for wealth, growth and fame.
Keep the Phone and Computer files clutter-free, delete old phone numbers that no longer serve you, clear out old, rarely used emails and files and stay current. When information is hard to find, we get frustrated and this clouds our interactions and the ability to think clearly. By clearing out old information, you create room for new clients and business to come your way. That also goes for the Trash Folder…once they’re deleted, they still haven’t left. By keeping the recycle bin clear, you will truly remove the files and extra clutter.
In the same way that you want to have plenty of free space in your surroundings for the Chi to flow freely, you also need to have ample space and memory on your device. Sluggish, slow moving Chi without ample free space is not conducive for new opportunities to come into your inbox.
Keep your screen clean to allow new experiences, people and prospects to enter in your life and business. When its full of dirty, greasy fingerprints, it will prevent you from seeing the opportunities that are coming your way.
Make sure the desktop image you choose is inspirational and welcoming. Waterfalls, Family Pictures, Vacation spot photos you love and pictures of calm water/beaches all make great images to keep in front of you. Choose vibrant colors to encourage clarity, energy and positivity.
Attempt to open your devices every day for at least few minutes for Chi to flow as it needs to be fresh. Stale Chi can get trapped and can’t escape just like when we open windows to let in fresh air.
Choose a password that inspires you as this is a simple yet highly effective way to send your higher self a positive reminder. Change it regularly to generate fresh and positive energy.
Protection is an important key in Feng Shui and that also applies to your devices. When you take protective actions to enhance your peace of mind and diminish your vulnerability, you are strengthening the positive Chi. Make sure your information is protected by installing protective software and virus detectors.
It was an awesome experience with Meena in the master… More class of Feng Shui Vision Course.Meena explained in very well planned structure in this course,how to create a Vison Board.I admired her Love,Passion ,and Knowledge about Feng Shui.
Thank you Meena for sharing your knowledge,wisdom and teaching how to setting the intentions ,manifesting, visualizing and giving the dreams a reality.
I had an amazing experience with Ms Meena!
Her insightful… More guidance inspired me to create a vision board, which has become a powerful tool in shaping my goals and aspirations. Her deep knowledge of Feng Shui and ability to personalize advice made me feel motivated and aligned with my true intentions. The virtual session not only provided clarity but also empowered me to take actionable steps toward manifesting my dreams.
I highly recommend Ms Meena to anyone looking for practical and uplifting support in creating a balanced and purpose-driven life!
We had Meena from Momentum Feng Shui come into our… More home for a consultation and a Energy Clearing ritual.
During the consultation Meena was very knowledgeable in explaining everything to myself and my family. She comes with a precise report of our home which provides us with 9 areas Feng Shui floor plan grid.
Energy Clearing was done all around the house, no room was missed.
During the Energy Clearing our home felt so calm, free and airy. Shortly after we felt a big shift in energy as we didn't feel blocked or heavy anymore.
Simple tips and remedies for around the home were suggested to make positive changes in our lives which have been great.
Meena is genuinely helpful and always answers our questions even when our session is over. She is truly dedicated and passionate in what she's does and practices. We were all given a personal triagram which gave us information on our personal command position and our personal empowering colors.
Having Meena in our home we felt comfortable, she is kind-hearted and calm, it was a pleasure having her. I would recommend Meena and Momentum Feng Shui to my family and friends.