
Every business wants success, and there are plenty of ways that can be achieved. But have you thought about how Feng Shui can help? Simply put, when using Feng Shui practices in your business, you’re allowing the good Chi to flow, increasing productivity. Every successful business can enjoy an efficient, harmonious and well-organized space. So, here’s how to use Feng Shui to help your business be more successful.

How does Feng Shui work to help your business?

Do you often find yourself searching for a particular file or paper on your cluttered, crowded desk? Do you find the chaos of your office makes you feel disorganized as a result? Well, Feng Shui uses principles which help to declutter, organize and create a better flow of the energy, or Chi, around your workspace. Whether that’s at your office or if you’re working from home.

By applying Feng Shui to your business, it’ll help to both increase its strength and inspire your team. It’ll take that present energy and guide it so that it supports the continued success of your business, helping it to grow.

Does it work?

Using Feng Shui in business is a practice that has gone on for many years now. Lots of businesses use the ideas of Feng Shui in their surroundings, large corporations as well as small businesses. Even some Fortune 500 companies use the principles of Feng Shui. Companies like British Airways, Coca-Cola, Ford, the Hilton, McDonald’s and others are all notable users of Feng Shui in their offices. And you know how successful each of those businesses are! It shows that Feng Shui, which uses practices and principles that date back thousands of years, still has an impact on forward-thinking companies, even today.

Applying Feng Shui Techniques to Your Business

Declutter and Organize

Decluttering is a Feng Shui basic. It allows the flow of productive Chi to move through your space, where it was previously blocked by all the unnecessary items on your desk. Having a desk piled high with papers acts like a wall in your mind and leaves you feeling stuck. And if you’re feeling like that, it’s no wonder the success of your business seems out of reach.

So, spend some time going through everything on your desk and putting away anything you don’t need right now. Only keep out current files and items you need to use every day.

So, spend some time going through everything on your desk and putting away anything you don’t need right now. Only keep out current files and items you need to use every day.

Your Desk

Did you know the position of your desk can influence the very happiness, success and prosperity of your business? To encourage success, the best place for your desk is the command position. This is where you can see as much of the room as possible, facing the door with the wall behind you. Think about it. How many offices have you been into where the boss had his back to you as you came in?

What your desk is made from is also important. The best choice in Feng Shui is a wooden desk, which allows the natural energy to come into your workspace.

feng shui for business, How to use Feng Shui to help Your Business be more Successful

Think About Lighting

In Feng Shui, the use of bright lights in entrances or on signs will attract prosperous Chi to your business. The use of metallic colours, like gold or silver, also encourages good fortune. And if any lights stop working, do try to replace them as soon as possible.

Plants and Flowers

Plants and fresh flowers in your workspace, like a wooden desk, allows natural and vibrant Chi to flow. They also improve the air quality of your space, as well as bringing in a little nature from outside.

Of course, you should make sure you keep your plants watered and healthy. Spend some time removing dead leaves and put them in areas where they’ll get natural sunlight.

Some of the best plants that aid with your business success, according to the principles of Feng Shui, are the Peace Lily, a Lucky Bamboo plant, a Moth Orchid or a Jade plant. Do avoid cacti or any plants with sharp leaves, as these can attract negative energy. Cacti are considered a symbol of survival rather than prosperity, which I’m sure doesn’t align with how you want to run your business!

Vibrant Artwork

A piece of art that’s bright, vibrant and visually appealing can enhance your career when chosen well. This can include all kinds of art – wall art, positive quotes and affirmations and photographs of natural scenes, for example. Some large photos around your office space will encourage inspiration and renewed energy, even when you don’t have any windows.