8 Tips to Improve Feng Shui in your Home

Simple, Feng Shui principles can have a powerful influence on your Home. Taking a mainstream, pop-culture perspective, Feng Shui Home ideas seem like basic, common-sense practices focused on decluttering your Home and getting things more organized. And while these practices are certainly connected to the traditional practice of Feng Shui, there’s so much more to it and to unlocking abundance, health, and unparalleled joy in your life. To that end, I bring you 8 tips for a Feng Shui-friendly Home.  

A Feng Shui Entryway

The entry to your Home dictates how energy flows into your Home and subsequently your life. Entryway Feng Shui guides you to carefully consider your front door so you can ensure good Feng Shui in your Home. Remove clutter and keep your entry clear of debris and garbage. Place a welcoming mat at your front door and make sure that you shake it out regularly. Create an inviting and open space that freely allows good energy to enter your Home.

Feng Shui Windows

Clean your windows regularly and open your blinds every morning to ensure that adequate sunlight enters your Home for good Feng Shui. Sunlight brings natural and invigorating energy while also enhancing the vibrancy of colours and objects in your Home. Open your windows too and allow fresh air to revive the energy.

Lighting and Feng Shui

Problem areas in your Home can be remedied with appropriate Feng Shui lighting ideas. Light is fundamental to balanced chi in your Home; and while natural light is always preferred, it is not always available. Lamps are an easy Feng Shui light fixture that can introduce more light into dark rooms and spaces which is especially important in rooms where you participate in more activities. Also, make sure to have a well-lit entryway to your Home and even to the important rooms in your Home. For example, for improved Home Office Feng Shui, you can try wall sconces at the entry on either side of your office door.

Feng Shui Plants

Plants represent life and energy as they allow us to connect to nature from the comfort of our Home. Plants bring good Feng Shui because they refresh energy and bring vitality to any space. Consider plants that can purify the air such as Acreca Palm or Boston Firm.  There are also Feng Shui plants that promote wealth and abundance such as Jade or Bonsai Trees. Always avoid spiky plants such as the cactus that bring sharp energy that can actually drain energy from your Home and your body.

Command Position

A fundamental principle of Feng Shui is the command position. Command position determines how you position yourself in your life and the basic principles of command position are applied to your bed, desk, and stove. In Feng Shui, each of these pieces of furniture represents the person and components of their life. You are the bed. Your career is the desk. And the stove represents abundance. When considering Feng Shui in your Home, position your bed, desk, and stove so that you can see the door without being direct across from it. In other words, position these pieces of furniture diagonal to the door to attain the command position so that you can maintain command in your life. 

To find out your best direction for Prosperity and well-being, you can order your Personal Trigram here

Feng Shui Crystals

My final tip for a Feng Shui-friendly Home is to incorporate Crystals into your space. Feng Shui Crystal’s placement can be important. For example, hanging Feng Shui Crystals in windows can attract and distribute chi in a room while also preventing good energy from escaping a room. Depending on your goal, there are many appropriate Feng Shui bedroom Crystals. For example, Rose Quartz or Amazonite on your bedside table can help you reconnect with self-acceptance and healing. Feng Shui Crystals can be used anywhere in the Home; for example, Black Tourmaline with Mica kept outside your front door can also prevent negative energy from entering and Amethyst can be placed in your Meditation area to maintain calmer and grounding vibes. 

Decorating with Feng Shui

Uplifting and inspiring artwork is a Feng Shui energy enhancer. When you are decorating with Feng Shui in mind, you should also choose art that represents the 5 Feng Shui elements.

  • The Wood Element is reflected in artwork with trees, forests, or driftwood.  You can choose paintings or wall art made from wooden materials.
  • The Element of Water can be represented in paintings of rivers, waterfalls, the ocean, or lakes.
  • The Fire Element may be seen in artwork with cozy scenes by a fireplace or candlelight. 
  • The Element of Earth is seen in landscape paintings with mountains or plants.
  • The Element of Metal is easily represented in artwork made from metal materials including silver, bronze, or copper.
  • Remove Obstacles

Various obstacles can impede the flow of chi in your Home. Implementing Feng Shui in your Home often involves some degree of decluttering. But make no mistake – one of the main purposes of decluttering is to remove obstacles that may block energy in your Home. This is particularly true at your front door where energy enters your Home. Even furniture such as tall bookcases, dressers, or chests should be arranged carefully so they are offset from your usual position rather than directly across or opposite you.  

Consult a Feng Shui Expert

As you can see, there are many ways that you can make your Home more Feng Shui friendly today. Nevertheless, Classical Feng Shui is a very precise practice and it has taken me years to learn and hone my skills to truly unlock the powers of Feng Shui. If you want to learn more about incorporating Feng Shui principles in your Home, book a discovery call and I look forward to assisting you in elevating your Feng Shui journey with Momentum Feng Shui.

Himalayan Salt Lamp and Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, Himalayan Salt Lamps are believed to draw negative energies (Sha Chi) from spaces and objects allowing them to receive positive energy to help balance Yin and Yang. When the heat of the lamp’s bulb warms the salt, the Himalayan Salt Lamp releases much-needed negative ions into the air. They are a natural way for people of all ages to live healthier lives while promoting good Feng Shui energy in the home.

You can find them in a variety of shapes and sizes. The bigger they are the more potent they are influencing the energy in it’s surroundings. Some are carved into exquisite shapes from salt blocks that makes them even more appealing to decorate with. Salt Lamps start out as a solid block of salt, which is then hollowed out to make room for a light bulb. When the light bulb is on, it creates heat that is necessary for the lamp to work properly. The light also creates a soothing glow.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

Who Can Benefit from Himalayan Salt Lamps?

The truth is, anyone can benefit from its use. The process that Himalayan Salt Lamps use to change unhealthy positive ions to healthy negative ions is quite simple. When there is moisture in the air, and your lamp is turned on, this moisture is taken in by the Salt Lamp. The positive ions are rendered harmless, and the lamp puts beneficial negative ions in the atmosphere. These negative ions can help with many everyday concerns like asthma, harmful allergens, fatigue, bad smells and aid in improved quality of sleep and increased energy levels. Even people that lead very stressful lives have felt calm through the use of genuine Himalayan Salt Lamps.

The best location for the Salt Lamp:

In Classical Feng Shui…they are suggested as a remedy where annual Red Earth is needed because of its element and unique color.

Another great area is to place a Salt Lamp in your living room. Since large electronics in particular emit plenty of positive ions, by placing the Salt Lamps right next to computer monitor or television, its effect, through its electromagnetic field, of the device is in approximately the 100-160 Hz zone. Our brain waves however, produce only 8 Hz according to the Schuman resonance frequency. Therefore, the body is exposed to up to 20 times higher frequency patterns than it is generally used to. The consequences of this exposure results in nervousness, insomnia and weakened concentration. In addition, there will be an accumulation of more free radicals in the body, known to be a cause of cancer. If you work in an environment that will allow it, place a Salt Lamp near your work computer as well.

Other best locations for the Salt Lamps are the areas where you spend the most time. Himalayan Salt Lamps can also be used in conjunction with live plants to clean the air in your home.


The Himalayan Salt Lamp cleans the air, much like an ionizer, but without the need for expensive filters or cleaning. All the maintenance your Salt Lamp needs is to be wiped with a soft cloth if excess moisture builds up on the lamp. If you Salt Lamp is genuine, then it will absorb all the moisture around, start sweating and shrinking overtime.

Areas not to use your Salt Lamp:

There are a few places you don’t want to use your Himalayan Salt Lamp.

Any room that has a high and unusual moisture level, such as a bathroom, sauna, laundry room or kitchen (steam from cooking). Don’t leave the Salt Lamp on a covered deck or patio since night air is often humid. Rain can also destroy the Salt Lamp if you leave it out. Himalayan Salt Lamps should be kept in dry areas. As long as you keep it away from too much water, your Salt Lamp will give you years of normal ion output.

When you combine the beauty of the Himalayan Salt Lamps with the benefits they provide, It’s an attractive addition to create a relaxing environment in the home.

Book a 20-minute Discovery Call with Meena HERE for guidance and more information.