How to enhance the Energy in Your Home using Feng Shui: Windows

In Classical Feng Shui, much emphasis is placed on ensuring an abundance of fresh energy flows through the home. However, there are decorating mistakes that can negatively affect this energy flow, ultimately reducing the effectiveness of Feng Shui. In this post, I’ll show you five things you can do to enhance the flow of positive energy into your home.


The Importance of Natural Light and Fresh Energy

Natural light and fresh energy play a significant role in Classical Feng Shui. They are ready to empower and serve us, having a positive effect on our mood and overall health. Yet, in many homes, I often notice that the curtains or blinds are kept closed therefore, hindering the flow of positive energy into the home.

Why Curtains and Blinds Stay Closed

I understand that sometimes curtains and blinds remain closed due to neighbouring homes being too close or because many rooms in our homes, such as formal living rooms, dining rooms, guest bedrooms, or basements, are not frequently used. While this might seem practical, it blocks the beneficial energy that Feng Shui aims to harness.

Five Tips to Enhance the Energy Flow through your Windows

While opening your curtains or blinds is a good start, here are five additional steps to ensure energy flows freely into your home based on the principles of Classical Feng Shui:

  1. Choose the Right Window Coverings Select window covering styles, materials, colours, and designs that not only serve the window type best but also reflect your personal preferences.
  2. Ease of Use Ensure that your window shades or curtains are easy to open and close. Struggling with them is a sign of negative energy. If privacy is an issue, opt for sheer drapes or blinds that create a filter while still allowing natural light to enter.
  3. Keep Windows Clean Maintain clean windows and glass doors, and ensure the view outside is pleasant. Remove any clutter or unused items from your backyard or the side of the house.
  4. Morning Ritual Make it a daily ritual to open your blinds and window coverings each morning with the intention of inviting in positive energy. This simple act sets the tone for the day and provides an opportunity to connect with the universe and express gratitude for the blessings and the gift of another day.
  5. Fresh Air When weather permits, open your windows as much as possible to allow a flow of fresh air. This invites positive energy and creates a smooth flow, contributing to positive thinking and motivation while removing any stagnant energy from your space.

A woman is opening the blinds

By following these tips, you can ensure that your window coverings do not block positive energy from entering and flowing through your home. Embracing these Feng Shui principles will help you create a more harmonious and energized living environment. What can you do today to enhance the energy flow in your home? Try these simple steps and feel the difference!

Implement these strategies and witness how the power of Classical Feng Shui transforms your living space into a sanctuary of positive energy and well-being.

8 Feng Shui Home Decorating Mistakes to Avoid

Feng Shui Home design principles can help you cultivate energy that promotes health, happiness, wealth, and success. Still, Feng Shui decorating requires a deeper understanding of the principles and goals of this ancient practice. If you’re just getting started with Feng Shui in the home, there are many common Feng Shui Home decorating mistakes that you can avoid. Here are 8 common design errors to avoid when bringing the world of Feng Shui to your home.

1. Sharp Plants

There are many good Feng Shui plants that can boost positive energy, but sharp, thorny, spikey, or pointy plants can pierce the energy in your home. Plants with soft or rounded leaves and foliage invite calmer energy into the home.

2. Dry flowers or dead plants

Feng Shui and Plants go hand-in hand. Fresh flowers and vibrant, green plants represent powerful life energy – when you learn about Feng Shui rules, you’re sure to learn of the importance of fresh plants.  On the other hand, dead or dying plants and even dried flowers represent dead energy and it’s best to avoid them in your home.

3. Mirrors

Mirrors and Feng Shui also have an important relationship that may be good or bad for your home based on their placement.  Mirrors in the dining room can amplify your family’s positive energy during meals.  However, you should never hang mirrors directly opposite entry doors to your home as this will reflect good energy out of the home.  Feng shui mirror placement is key to cultivating and maintaining good energy in the home.

4. Bathroom Feng Shui

There are a few Feng Shui rules that you should keep in mind for your bathroom. For example, keep the toilet seat down and the bathroom door closed to prevent energy from escaping through the toilet and drains.  Next, avoid decorating with blue colours or hues. The bathroom represents an overabundance of water energy which is amplified when using blue colours in the bathroom.

5. Feng Shui Bedroom Elements

Just as in the bathroom, there are some simple Feng Shui rules to follow in the bedroom. It is common nowadays for people to have TVs and computers in their bedroom. Unfortunately, these items represent harsh energy in a space that is meant to foster peace and relaxation. Always avoid TVs and computers in your bedroom.

6. Exercise Equipment

Speaking of bedrooms, you should avoid exercise equipment in the bedroom as exercise represents strenuous energy that opposes restfulness.  In an ideal world, you can create a Feng Shui exercise room that is dedicated to working out.

7. Open Door Policy

Feng Shui entryways are free of clutter and obstructions.  Never hang items behind your door or block the movement of doors to promote good entryway Feng Shui.  Doors that fully open are doors to opportunity and we never want to limit opportunities coming into your home. More tips about How to Invite Good Energy into your Home with Front Door Feng Shui.

8. Cracked Glass, Cracked Energy

Cracked glasses, dishes, mirrors, or windows represent cracks in your relationships.  Always remove or replace cracked pieces to promote Feng Shui health. 

As you can see, there are many factors to consider when decorating with Feng Shui and I hope these tips have given you some ideas for a better Home Feng Shui.  And remember, working with a Feng Shui Consultant can help you decorate your home in a way that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, and promotes and maintains positive energy while clearing negative energy.