Himalayan Salt Lamp and Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, Himalayan Salt Lamps are believed to draw negative energies (Sha Chi) from spaces and objects allowing them to receive positive energy to help balance Yin and Yang. When the heat of the lamp’s bulb warms the salt, the Himalayan Salt Lamp releases much-needed negative ions into the air. They are a natural way for people of all ages to live healthier lives while promoting good Feng Shui energy in the home.

You can find them in a variety of shapes and sizes. The bigger they are the more potent they are influencing the energy in it’s surroundings. Some are carved into exquisite shapes from salt blocks that makes them even more appealing to decorate with. Salt Lamps start out as a solid block of salt, which is then hollowed out to make room for a light bulb. When the light bulb is on, it creates heat that is necessary for the lamp to work properly. The light also creates a soothing glow.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

Who Can Benefit from Himalayan Salt Lamps?

The truth is, anyone can benefit from its use. The process that Himalayan Salt Lamps use to change unhealthy positive ions to healthy negative ions is quite simple. When there is moisture in the air, and your lamp is turned on, this moisture is taken in by the Salt Lamp. The positive ions are rendered harmless, and the lamp puts beneficial negative ions in the atmosphere. These negative ions can help with many everyday concerns like asthma, harmful allergens, fatigue, bad smells and aid in improved quality of sleep and increased energy levels. Even people that lead very stressful lives have felt calm through the use of genuine Himalayan Salt Lamps.

The best location for the Salt Lamp:

In Classical Feng Shui…they are suggested as a remedy where annual Red Earth is needed because of its element and unique color.

Another great area is to place a Salt Lamp in your living room. Since large electronics in particular emit plenty of positive ions, by placing the Salt Lamps right next to computer monitor or television, its effect, through its electromagnetic field, of the device is in approximately the 100-160 Hz zone. Our brain waves however, produce only 8 Hz according to the Schuman resonance frequency. Therefore, the body is exposed to up to 20 times higher frequency patterns than it is generally used to. The consequences of this exposure results in nervousness, insomnia and weakened concentration. In addition, there will be an accumulation of more free radicals in the body, known to be a cause of cancer. If you work in an environment that will allow it, place a Salt Lamp near your work computer as well.

Other best locations for the Salt Lamps are the areas where you spend the most time. Himalayan Salt Lamps can also be used in conjunction with live plants to clean the air in your home.


The Himalayan Salt Lamp cleans the air, much like an ionizer, but without the need for expensive filters or cleaning. All the maintenance your Salt Lamp needs is to be wiped with a soft cloth if excess moisture builds up on the lamp. If you Salt Lamp is genuine, then it will absorb all the moisture around, start sweating and shrinking overtime.

Areas not to use your Salt Lamp:

There are a few places you don’t want to use your Himalayan Salt Lamp.

Any room that has a high and unusual moisture level, such as a bathroom, sauna, laundry room or kitchen (steam from cooking). Don’t leave the Salt Lamp on a covered deck or patio since night air is often humid. Rain can also destroy the Salt Lamp if you leave it out. Himalayan Salt Lamps should be kept in dry areas. As long as you keep it away from too much water, your Salt Lamp will give you years of normal ion output.

When you combine the beauty of the Himalayan Salt Lamps with the benefits they provide, It’s an attractive addition to create a relaxing environment in the home.

Book a 20-minute Discovery Call with Meena HERE for guidance and more information.

8 Ways to Create an Energy Boost around your Home

As a Classical Feng Shui Master, I’m always looking to share my insights with my clients in Canada and around the world. According to the principles of Classical Feng Shui, the flow of energy in your home is influenced by many factors including your natural environment, your home’s design, the people in your home, and so much more.

The energy in your home can become stuck or stagnant. Indeed, strict adherents of Classical Feng Shui measure the energy in their home annually and make adjustments for the year every February. Still, even if you are just dipping your toes in the waters of Feng Shui, there are things you can do. With that in mind, I offer you 8 ways to create an energy boost around your home that will ultimately help you connect with better health, more love, and overall happiness.

1. Plants and Fresh Flowers


Plants and fresh flowers are a simple but effective way to create an energy boost in your home. From a Classical Feng Shui perspective, we endorse plants such as jade, bamboo, money plants, and snake plants. On the other hand, I advise my clients to avoid plants with pointy or sharp edges as well as to avoid dried flowers. Spiky plants such as the cactus can bring sharp energy, whereas dried or dying plants resemble old or dead energy.

If you can’t have fresh plants in your home due to environmental conditions or other barriers, consider artificial or silk plants. Visually even artificial plants will impact your senses and can provide an energy boost in your home. Read more about Plants and Your Environment.

2. Crystals


Crystals enhance the energy in your home. I enjoy crystal energy for its uplifting and healing effects. In Feng Shui, crystals are natural elements that are connected to the earth and can have a grounding effect in your home. Crystals in your bedroom can boost energy and prevent feelings of sluggishness. Likewise, certain crystals can protect your home and shield you from negative energy and can be placed strategically around entrances or even the corners of rooms.

In my Feng Shui practice, I recommend crystals such as Black Tourmaline with Mica, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Citrine, and Pyrite. Each of these crystals will have different effects and purposes, so collaborating with a Classical Feng Shui Consultant can help you choose the right crystals for your home.

3. Declutter

One of the fundamental aspects of Feng Shui is the organization of your space. The placement and position of items in your home can influence the movement of energy. And yet, newcomers to Feng Shui often focus on the details of placement and positioning without taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture. De-cluttering is a simple and straightforward approach to creating an energy boost in your home. When you clear your clutter with Feng Shui, I always advise my clients to consider mindful de-cluttering. Introducing good energy flow into your home or office begins with understanding your connection to items in your space. Mindful decluttering involves removing items you don’t need or use, but also taking care not to replace those items with new clutter.

4. Affirmations

Language is powerful. The way we speak to each other and ourselves will influence our individual and collective journeys. Affirmations are an easy way to boost the energy in your home or office as they help you set intentions for yourself and your space. Write affirmations in the present tense and keep them in the specific room or area of your home to which they relate such as the bedroom or meditation room. And remember that your affirmations are private, so they needn’t be visible to visitors.

5. Lighting


Lighting is very important for creating an energy boost in your home. I try to get as much natural light in my home as I can by opening blinds and drapes, but I understand that some of us are more blessed with access to natural light than others. There are other ways you can enhance the Chi in your home with lighting. Ensure entrances are well-lit, avoid low-hanging ceiling lights, or try investing in new lamps to bring added and various forms of light to any room. Also, allow fresh air into your home as much as possible – cracking the window even a little during the winter can help energize your home.

6. Stove


According to Feng Shui, your stove is an important resource that represents abundance in your home. The way you use your stove can create an energy boost in your home. Rotate between burners rather than using your one favourite as burners represent igniting the wealth energy. Keep your stove clean to stimulate prosperity and resources. Read more about How To Use Kitchen Feng Shui to bring Wealth and Abundance into your life.

7. Bathroom

Your bathroom can have a powerful impact on the energy in your home. I maintain and boost the energy in my home by making simple adjustments in my bathroom. For example, I recommend you keep the bathroom door and toilet lid closed when not in use so energy won’t escape through your pipes and plumbing. You can even use river rocks around drains to prevent positive energy from escaping downwards and out. Read more about Easy Feng Shui for Your Bathroom

8. Adapt and Adjust

Classical Feng Shui does not offer static solutions. On the contrary, when you adopt these approaches, you regularly re-assess the energy in your home and make changes annually. With that in mind, if you notice stagnant energy, you can create a boost by moving the furniture or reorganizing your space. Making changes can re-energize and revitalize your home.

Most importantly, remember that Feng Shui is a journey and there will always be ways that you can redistribute, revitalize, or reintroduce energy into your home for a happier, healthier and more prosperous life.

What is Smudging, and how can I do it in my Home?

What is Smudging, and how can I do it in my Home?

Smudging is a Feng Shui Space Clearing ceremony designed to clean the negative energy in the home to allow for fresher, more vibrant chi to enter. Smudging can be repeated as frequently as needed.

When To Smudge

I always recommend that you smudge when you are feeling stuck, negative, sluggish, or even depressed, feelings which often indicate that there may be some stagnant energy in your field or environment. A field can include your emotional, energetic, mental, spiritual, or physical body and your environment (home, office, or other physical space). Stagnant or negative energy can have extremely detrimental effects on your mental and physical state and is even believed to manifest into a lack of happiness and success.

Whatever transpires in the environment is absorbed into the walls, furniture, carpet, ceiling, and objects. Frequently, these negative energies accumulate in the corners, closets, basement, garage, and tucked away places. Also, if you had a negative event happen recently or a lot of sadness or fear, it is suggested to cleanse your space immediately.

Meena Jagpal-Pare - Classical Feng Shui Master in Toronto + Vancouver

During smudging, herbs are set alight, and the smoke is directed into the areas of the home that need a blessing, clearing, and protection. White sage is one of the oldest and purest methods of cleansing both people and spaces and has been used for centuries in folk medicine, religious and healing practice, and rituals. The herb is known to dispel negative energy, drive away thoughts of ill spirits and free up the space to invite positive energy.

Palo Santo offers a grounding and positive energy and also enhances creativity and invites good fortune.


palo santo being lit

Incense is used as a part of the daily Puja ritual, which is a religious offering performed by Hindus to their Deities, especially during the beginning of a new venture, or to commemorate special occasions. The most common fragrances are Patchouli, Sandalwood, Rose, Nag Champa, Lavender, and Frankincense.

They all work separately to cleanse the space but when used in tandem, they make a powerful ritual when combined with intention. 

When smudging, burn Sage first to clear out the negative energy, Palo Santo next to invite back the abundant energy and seal it with intention with your favorite Incense. 

Preparing for Smudging

Before you smudge, there are a few basic supplies you’ll need to have on hand:

  1. A sage bundle (or smudge stick)
  2. An abalone seashell  or bowl of ceramic, clay, or glass to hold the burning sage and ash
  3. A smudging feather (optional)
  4. A clear intention for the smudging held in your mind and heart: For example, your purpose could be to cleanse your space of any bad energy, impurities, negativity, problems, or anything else that does not support anyone living in your home.
Sage and Abalone shell

How to Smudge your Home

Before smudging your space, I always recommend clearing your space of clutter and opening the doors and windows of your home to let the fresh air in (and the negative energy to leave afterward). Turn off all electronic devices within the space.

Prior to beginning, you also want to clear your body, mind, and spirit of any negative or stagnant energy. Start by lighting your smudging bundle or stick. It’s important to burn the bundle or stick in its entirety, placing it in a bowl to catch the burnt herbs. Next, breathe deeply and direct the sage smoke around your body from head to toe, front to back, right, and left.

Then, starting at your front door, slowly walk around the areas of your home, waving the smoke into the air, paying special attention to areas where the energy enters the room (doorways and hallways), and ensuring closet and cabinet doors are open. Smudge each area you would like to cleanse, including corners, closets, under counters, behind curtains, along ceiling lines, laundry room, basement, and garage. Let your intuition guide you. You can also guide the smoke in all four compass directions: the heavens above, the earth below, and within.

As you move throughout your home, repeat positive affirmations about what you want to attract into that area of your life. For example, in the Love area of the house, you could say, “This home is now filled with loving relationships.”

After you have cleansed all the areas of your home, cup your hands over the smoke and “wash” your face with it, repeating it all over your body. As you do this, visualize any negative residual energy disappearing entirely.

Finally, end the ritual outside of your front door and leave the sage stick safely outside.  Do reignite until it’s completely extinguished and monitor it for safety.  

For assistance with smudging your home, we encourage you to inquire about our Space Clearing Service, which has proven effective for many clients in combating negativity, clearing the energy in their field, and helping them start anew. Click HERE to book your free Discovery Call to learn more about the benefits of this service.

What is a Feng Shui Wallet, and how can it increase your Wealth?

What is a Feng Shui Wallet, and how can it increase your Wealth?

Did you know that the energy you give out to the universe attracts the energy that comes back to you? This energy includes Wealth magnetism. A Feng Shui Wallet is a great tool for attracting and strengthening the flow of Wealth and Prosperity. 

Here are some quick tips to help you start manifesting the Wealth magnetism energy you already have:


Respect and store your Feng Shui Wallet or purse properly.

If you treat your wallet or purse with respect and respect, it will return gratitude to you tenfold. Please don’t leave it on the ground (especially on the bathroom floor) or throw it anywhere you feel convenient, like the dining room table or on the fridge. Instead, allocate a special location in your house for it, placing it back there anytime you return home, so it feels treasured. 

Keep the focus on finances.

Since your Feng Shui Wallet is about your financial health, do not store personal photos in it. If you do, this can lead to a mix of energies, confusing the intentions you desire. Having things that take up space in your wallet can also easily represent things blocking or draining your financial affairs, for example, old receipts. Make room for Prosperity to thrive. 

Maintain a tidy wallet.

Your wallet is not an exception to the rule that good vibes won’t happen in a messy space. Money folding up, crumpled or stuffed carelessly inside your wallet or purse, symbolizes a careless disregard of your finances. Bills should ideally face the same way with denominations grouped in ascending order. Coins should always be separated from paper money and placed in a coin purse or a separate change compartment in your wallet. Loose coins can mean lost Wealth. 

Try organizing your wallet every month. Full Moon energy is a great time to release what is no longer serving us so go through your wallet and purge the old receipts, bills and clutter and make room for new.

Keeping your wallet organized, clean, and decluttered will make you feel good, as it’s something you touch often during your day.

Don’t store too many credit cards in your Feng Shui Wallet.

Try to keep only two to three credit cards in your wallet at one time, as they represent borrowed money. This borrowed money refers to debt or money that is not technically yours. Having too many credit cards can take away your abundance of Wealth magnetism and become a financial trap. Your wallet should have more space for cash and less space for credit cards, making more room for prosperity to enter.

Stock up on crystals that represent abundance.

Aventurine, Jade, Peridot, or Citrine crystals help to attract abundance. Charging these crystals on a Full Moon and carrying a small crystal of them in your wallet will start shifting the energy around your finances, especially if you have the ones that relate to what you most want to improve.  

Be mindful of your Feng Shui Wallet colours.  

Did you know that the colour of your wallet or purse can impact your ability to attract Wealth? A Personal Trigram helps identify your recommended Feng Shui wallet colours using your gender and date of birth. Knowing the best Feng Shui Wallet colours for you will help you thrive and position you in directions that will further improve the flow of Wealth magnetism. 


Ensure your wallet is in good shape

In addition to being mindful of the color of your wallet, you always want to purchase a brand new wallet as a used Feng Shui Wallet will have the previous owner’s energy absorbed into it. Purchasing a new wallet energetically allows you to claim it as your own. Your new wallet doesn’t need to be expensive or fancy, just something that you love. What’s important is that if you want to attract Wealth, you want to make sure your wallet looks like a Wealth symbol to the Universe. Prosperous energy deserves a nice, shiny treasure chest. 

These tips only scratch the surface of what Feng Shui can offer. If you want to amplify the energy in your space and attract more Wealth Chi, there are many other Feng Shui Cures you can add to your home or office. You can always reach out to me directly. I’m available for in-person bookings or virtual Feng Shui consultations. I can be reached at 236-886-1688 or email at meena@momentumfengshui.com.

How to Incorporate Feng Shui at Christmas

I love the holiday season for many reasons: family and friends getting together, children’s faces lighting up at the sight of decorations and presents, and of course, incorporating Classical Feng Shui in and around the home. In the spirit of giving, I wanted to pass along a few ways you can decorate your home this holiday season while using Feng Shui to boost the energy in your home. After all, Feng Shui is all about moving and celebrating energies, and to awaken the energies of your home, one needs to activate them!

Feng Shui Tips for Christmas Decorations at Your Front Door

 Feng Shui Christmas decorated porch with little trees and lantern

Your front entrance is the main point where energy flows into your home. The front doorway is where this vital energy, “Chi” or “Qi” flows into your home and life. To heighten the flow of energy into your home for Feng Shui at Christmas time, we recommend:

  • Decorating your front pathway and your doorway with Christmas lights to keep it bright and to increase the energy flow into your home. Not to mention, it’s festive and fun!
  • Wipe down or wash your front door with salt water.
  • Hang a wreath or bells on the doorknob. We recommend a wreath of pine branches and pine cones with gold and red details.
  • Tidy up your porch or walkway to remove clutter, snow, or ice. Pay special attention to old and dead plants in planters which should be removed as well.
  • Add a festive greeter such as a pot of greens, a waving Santa, or a wagon filled with faux presents to catch the eye, set the tone for your home, and uplift your visitors’ energy.
  • Lay a festive doormat.

When decorating the front entrance, we recommend these festive colours:

  • Red lights which symbolize prosperity and luck.
  • Green lights to symbolize stability, serenity, and healing.
  • Gold and silver tones to represent financial richness and good fortune.
  • Brown colours to represent grounding, self-care, and stability.
  • Blue colours to symbolize prosperity and abundance such as increased income and money flowing into the home.

These colours and Feng Shui tips can also work for other Christmas decorations in your home, including your Christmas tree.

Feng Shui Advice for Your Christmas Tree

Christmas decorating wouldn’t be complete without adorning your Christmas tree with festive decorations. The tree is a significant part of Christmas decor in most households.

Christmas tree

Before setting up your tree, think about different locations in your home that would allow your tree to accept Chi energy. At the same time, the Christmas tree should be placed in an area that doesn’t obstruct energy flow into the home. Ideally, you’ll want to place it in a room where it can be admired from the outside.  For example, beside a window, or where it can be seen the moment you walk into your home. If you’re single or live in a smaller apartment, you can still put up a small tree!  Remember it’s the intention that you place with it that counts.

When decorating your tree, I recommend the Classical Feng Shui practice of intention setting. Your Christmas tree can represent a powerful force in your home – you may set an intention for prosperity, happiness, peace, and so much more.  Think of what you’d like the tree to represent and what intention you’d like to set. Do you want to boost your overall quality of life, your financial status, or your family’s happiness? Once you’ve decided, think of your Christmas tree as your Tree of Life, your Tree of Prosperity, or your Tree of Happiness, and decorate it accordingly to boost that area of your family’s life. 

After you’ve set your intentions, it’s time to think about the Christmas ornaments we place on or around the tree:

  • To boost your quality of life, choose ornaments and figurines in calming colors such as green and brown.
  • To improve your financial status, place beautifully wrapped presents under the tree to represent abundance. Wrap them in red and gold wrapping paper since these colors symbolize financial richness, good fortune, and prosperity.
  • To increase your family’s happiness, you can include handmade ornaments by your children, souvenirs from your travels, etc. Anything that makes you happy!

With your decorations, you’ll also want to:

  • Make sure your tree lights are bright! Change the bulbs that are burnt out, or dim and dull.
  • Find lights that glow and sparkle so your tree comes alive with new energies. Fairy lights are perfect for this as they come with different settings that let you change the “look” of the tree depending on the energy of the day.
  • Discard faded and old decorations.
  • Decorate the tree with natural material as much as possible (i.e. cones, crystals) to bring in the nurturing earth and wood elements. This is a great option if you have an artificial tree.

Classical Feng Shui is easy to incorporate into your Christmas decorations with all the bright lights and decorations. Don’t forget that when you take down the tree at the end of December, it’s important to cleanse your space to renew the energy. This sacred space cleanse will help you start fresh in preparation for the Feng Shui New Year in February. Read next month’s blog to find out more about how to clear the energy from your space!.